By: Naziya Khan

Student, VI Semester, B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore

Considering the recent time genocide and mass killing of Palestine we all have heard about the Israel and Palestine wars and how much lives they have put on stakes from both the countries. This blog talks about how these two nations started the never-ending conflict and made an international headline.

We all have heard about how terribly Hitler behaved with the Jews. But this story started even before the era of Adolf Hitler. Since the start the hatred against Jews grew and they had to face difficulties, this were generally because of religious reasons. After the 1800’s this hatred grew because they were treated as different ethnicity as well. Till the late 1800’s they very well realized that if they want to live peacefully, they need to form their own Nation since in all parts of the world they were highly criticized.


Theodor Herzl [ Austro-Hungarian journalist] in 1896, initiated a new political movement in his own pamphlet called ZIONISM, before this as well a lot of organization were propagating the same idea. According to him Jews should have a separate country and in 1881 a lot of migration was recorded in the areas of Palestine. Later, lot of Jews settled in that area and began living in that area.


Jerusalem is one the holiest place in the world and is also a reason of conflict between Israel and Palestine. It is considered as the holy place for 3 religions- Muslims, Christians and Jews. The center of Jerusalem consists of 3 holy places- Al-Aqsa Mosque - Muslims, church of the holy Sepulchre - Christians and the western wall - Jews. Now the place where Israel and Palestine are it was all the Palestine before and they came under the rule of Ottoman Empire, where all 3 religions resided peacefully.


1.       Mcmohan-hussein correspondence [Britain- Arabs]

Britain promises Arabs some part of Palestine in return of defeat of ottoman empire.

2.       Balfour Declaration [Britain – Jews]

Britain promises Jews their separate country for vote bank to influence American Jews

3.       Skyes-Piscot agreement [Britain – France]

They both decided to divide middle east between themselves

So finally, Britishers took control of the Palestine era.

From 1918 to 1948 the British Govt. took control of Palestine.

After Hitler took control of Germany many Jews flew to different countries and some to Palestine, at first British government allowed it but later on they were stopped from entering and due to this Israel nationalist movement was started in Palestine. At the same time Palestine nationalist also began in 1940’s.


In 1948 finally Britishers left Palestine and hand Palestine to united nation. The UN came up with the partition plan regarding the allotment   of area between both the countries. The 57% was for Jewish country and 43% for Arab-Palestine. Jerusalem was kept under the control of international control. Jews accept this allotment and accepts the area, finally it was time for birth of a new country named “Israel”.

Seeing all of these neighboring Arab countries were not happy as British expanding their colonies were extremely common and Arabs thought it’s Britishers way of expanding their colonialism through Israel. This soon led to start the wars.


The forming of new country Israel became the reason of three wars between the Arabs and Israelis.

FISRT ARAB-ISRAEL WAR:1948- almost five countries together from  the Arab side was fighting against this new tiny country Israel. seeing this they retaliated strongly and surprisingly won the war shocking everyone against all. According the un partition plan the allotted area of Palestine was captured by Israel, Gaza strip gone to Egypt and west bank area was given to Jordan. It was a huge fall for Palestinian people as almost seven lakh Palestinians left their houses and became refugees in Arab countries. This event is known as Palestine Exodus of 1948.

SECOND ARAB-ISRAEL WAR:1967 – Israel again won this war which lasted almost six days. Eventually, Israel occupies east bank as well as west bank and also acquires the large area of Egypt. Palestine people soon realized the need of fighting for themselves, due to these events Palestine liberal organization (PLO) was formed. Initially their aim was to fight back through Armed struggle and use weapons to gain back their country. Because of using this aggression, countries like USA and Israel declares them as a Terrorist Organization.

THIRD ARAB-ISRAEL WAR:1973- Israel successfully defeats all and also acquires the East Jerusalem. In 1974, PLO was acknowledged by Arab League and the UN general assembly as the official representative of Palestine. In 1979, Egypt was the first Arab nation to recognize Israel as a country after the peace talk between both. After settlement of issues between both Egypt and Israel, the Egyptian prime minister was assassinated after two years because Egyptians were unhappy that they have come on friendly stage with Israel.

Lots of Israelis also settled in west bank including east Jerusalem, which was against the partition plan and Israel government directly or indirectly were supporting these settlements and according to Palestine they were colonies.


In 1992, Yitzhak Rabin was elected as new PM for Israel. According to him, PLO was not a terrorist organization and Israel should give them their country. Finally, PLO was recognized by Israel and in return PLO also recognizes Israel as a country. In 1993, Oslo Accord takes place for the first time. Both of them meet together and talk about the peaceful resolutions.

For the first time in 1994, Palestine govt was established it was named as Palestinian national Authority but at this time Israel has established a lot of settlements near West bank. Palestinian were living in few areas scattered. Then the West Bank area was divided into three parts - A,B and C areas.

A-    where the Palestinian government would be in control,

B-     where both the governments will exercise control,

C-     Area C- where the Israel government will retain control.

By this time is both were near to have a peaceful resolution. For this reason, in 1994, head of the Palestinian authority, Ya Arfat and PM of Israel were awarded the noble peace prize.

But unfortunately, soon after the whole situation goes downhill, when the extreme wight- wing Jewish people assassinated their prime minister in 1995. This worsened the situation.



Before this incident almost 4 to 5 years before, the Palestinian Islamic fanatics, come together and form the “Hamas group. Their main vision was to fight against Israel.

Hamas hated PLO for compromising with Israel, Hamas boycott the 1996 Palestinian elections and also started bombings. This increases polarization.

After this, the hatred grew more and more and around 2002, violent protest was seen on both the sides. More than hundred people died-on both the sides.

There were clashes on the ground and the people have become so spectacle of each other. This is when Israel builds walls around the permanent settlement by the Israel is in the West bank Area. They basically guard it securely and checkpoints were placed, it continues to become difficult for Palestinians to live there.

The Hamas conducts elections in 2006 and wins in defeat of PLO party, Fatah but with a very small margin.

But after this, in 2007, a civil war takes place between both these two organizations in Palestine. The supporters of parties started fighting each other. This conflict became popular as the Battle of Gaza and the Palestine is divided into two parts.

Palestine, West Bank area is controlled by Fatah and PLO who are irenic got power of the west bank. But today when Gaza strip is controlled by Hamas, they basically govern the area like a terrorist group.


Afterwards many events happened between Israel and Palestine but no peace was observed since ever. The sad part is that innocent citizens from both the sides are losing their lives continuously and this hatred is not resulting in any good. Even the recent conflict and going on massive killing in Palestine is the result of this long history between both. No country wants to come in between both just because of this time immemorial history only. We right now can only wish for the understanding leaders from both the sides and non-violence.







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